Because we wanted to differentiate ourselves from capital-heavy coworking players like WeWork, we created a brand called Just Meeting Rooms. The “Just” pointed both to our singular focus and also to our core values as a just business that operates carbon neutral and with a triple bottom line. Our strategy and creative teams created a brand narrative and identity that truly stood out in the marketplace.
Our in-house digital team concluded that custom-building an Airbnb-style platform ourselves offered the greatest flexibility for user experience and future monetization. It was a heavy lift but our enterprise dev team, with their experience building digital commerce platforms for global brands, was up for the challenge. It took 18 months from start of design and programming until we successfully launched the desktop and mobile site, along with iOS and Android apps. In March 2023, we launched with just 25 rooms in Toronto, and growth since then has been phenomenal.

Visit justmeetingrooms.com